About Us
Wise Owl Montessori Childcare:
We are dedicated to operate licensed, multi-location, Montessori Curriculum based daycare, childcare, preschool, group daycare, multi-age childcare and before/after school child care facilities, committed in providing stimulating and positive learning environment for your children. We welcome you all…and advocate an “open door” policy to encourage regular communications in between parents and our ECE licensed, AMI Montessori educators.
Wise Owl provides carefully planned Montessori Curriculum in a stimulating environment, complemented by French language circle time and curriculum. Our services include; daycare, childcare, preschool, group daycare, multi-age childcare, in which children can safely play and learn, utilizing multi-sensory, sequential, and self-correcting materials to facilitate the learning of skills and abstract ideas. “The school must give the child’s spirit space and opportunity for expansion.”Dr. Maria Montessori
What We Offer
Wise Owl is approved by the Ministry of Children and Family Developments to administer all provincially available funding and/or subsidy programs in supporting affordable childcare in our local communities. All of our posted fees are exclusive of available fee reductions to families that may include CCOF and/or ACCB fee reductions!
Management & Infrastructure
Wise Owl @ Uplands is operated by Wise Owl Early Learning, effective 01 February 2025. Wise Owl is managed by licensed ECE/AMI MONTESSORI educators, representing over 20 years of child care experience in Europe and Canada. Based on our foundation of public, private and Montessori educational experience in preschool, childcare and daycare services, supplemented with primary ECE and/or AMI Montessori Diplomas, Wise Owl is committed in providing your children with educational centers they can trust, enjoy, improve their social skills and grow.
Family Support Services
Wise Owl is proud in having provided carefully planned childcare support and/or use of our facilities enabling special needs children to attend and participate in preschool activities since 2008. In the event you may require assistance in exploring how Wise Owl may support/assist your special needs child please contact our Director of Enrollments at (604) 603-4545 to find out more about your available options. Please note we are governed by the Community Care Licensing Regulation Act and our enrollment policy is within strict compliance of same and applicable regulatory bodies, including: Fraser Health Authority and/or Vancouver Coastal Health.
Wise Owl Montessori Preschool Curriculum based childcare, group daycare, before and afterschool care and multi-age childcare facilities and locations are:
Our Locations
(604) 808-1822
(778) 278-3090
Operated By Wise Owl Early Learning
Email Contacts
Administration: zak.wiseowl@gmail.com
Center Manager: manager.wiseowl@gmail.com
Or Call: (778) 278-3090

Our Montessori Program
The primary goal of a Montessori program is to help each child reach full potential in all areas of life. Our activities promote the development of social skills, emotional growth, and physical coordination as well as cognitive preparation. Our specific goals and objectives are as follows:
- To develop a positive attitude toward school and learnin
- To develop high self-esteem
- To build concentration for lifelong study skills
- To develop and foster an abiding curiosity
- To develop initiative and persistence
- To foster inner discipline and a sense of order
- To develop sensory-motor skills to sharpen the ability to discriminate
- To develop socially acceptable behavior
In order for self-directed learning to take place, the whole learning environment – room, materials, and social climate – must be supportive of the learner. The teacher provides necessary resources, including opportunities for children to function in a safe and positive atmosphere, thus gaining children’s trust enabling them to try new things and build their self-confidence.
During your visit you will be able to verify:
- How much experience our Certified ECE Educator (s) have working with children
- Review their Certification (s)
- Evaluate and determine if our environment is a good fit and safe for your child.
To arrange for a visit, please contact us at (604) 603-4545 or by email at; info@wiseowlchildcare.com or info@eagleharborchildcare.com
Our Educators
Wise Owl employs bonded, ECE/AMI certified educators and/or assistants, each holding current First Aid Certificates.
ECE, ECEA, AMI Educators:
Miss Patricia (ECE)
Miss Michaela (ECE)
Miss Alysha (ECE)
Miss Jing (ECE)
Miss Sukhdeep (ECEA)
Miss Denise (ECEA)
Miss Christina (ECE/A)
Miss Mariana (AMI/ECE)
Miss Noura (AMI/ECE)
Miss Heidi (ECE)
Miss Fariba (ECE)
Miss Vivian (ECE)
Miss Mia (ECEA)
Director of Human Resources & Enrollments:
Mr. Janos (MEng., MBA)
5575 Marine Dr.
West Vancouver BC. V7W 2R4